Discover and Stop Diabetes Online Course
This Program Has Helped Thousands of People living with Type 2 Conquer Their Diabetes in 3 Short Weeks. Now Its Your Turn..
This package is a self directed course to transform you into the #1 expert in your diabetes:
- Find endless motivation...
- Start understanding that you don't have to give up the foods you love...
- Start getting blood sugar numbers that will amaze your doctor..
- Start instantly realizing that you have more control than you think ....
- Feel confident that you are doing all you can for your future and your family...
- and much, MUCH more!
Your Instructor
Since 2003 Diabetes Care Partners has helped people living with diabetes become the #1 expert in their diabetes. With a no judgement, just answers approach that personizes the learning process DCP has been able to get real results for thousands of people including decreasing and in some cases eliminating medication, decreasing blood sugar and A1c and losing weight naturally without dieting and preventing and slowing down complications of uncontrolled diabetes such as Stroke, Heart Attack, blindness, amputations, kidney failure and cancer. The approach is never to tell you what you can't and shouldn't do but to help you find the things that that will improve your bloods sugar numbers but also keeping your quality of life in mind. You decide what you can live with and can't and we make it work together. There is no compromise because you make the calls. Join the DCP family and start becoming the #1 expert in your diabetes.
Course Curriculum
StartWelcome to your Discover and Stop Diabetes Program! Let’s Get You Started! IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS
StartIntroduction (4:10)
StartWhat do you mean don't change anything?? (2:58)
StartTopics for this session (1:25)
StartMyth or Truth. What do you Believe? (0:21)
StartCan you have a "Touch" of Diabetes? (0:57)
StartHow we are diagnosed with Diabetes (1:55)
StartAs long as I feel ok, My blood sugar doesn't matter. (1:45)
StartWhat is a A1c and why is it important? (3:36)
StartAll I need is more will power! right? (1:16)
Startit's my own fault I have diabetes ! Not SO.... Here's why (2:31)
StartYour Pooped out Pancreas and Sticky Cells. The true culprits (3:31)
StartDo you have Type 1 or Type 2? Are you sure? (1:38)
StartIsn't Type 1 more serious than Type 2 Diabetes ? (1:02)
StartAre we less active by choice? Not really (1:15)
StartDo we eat the same amount of food now than we did in the past? (1:22)
StartWhat does genetics have to do with my diabetes anyways? (3:38)
StartDoes Portion Size Matter? That Depends (1:23)
StartPeople with diabetes can't have sugar, right? (0:54)
StartPeople with diabetes should eat sugar free foods, right? (1:38)
StartFeelings & mental health matter with diabetes, but why? (3:05)
StartI'm OK, my doctor takes care of my diabetes, right? (2:40)
StartThe SECRET to a healthy life with diabetes is this.... (5:29)
StartThe key to GUARANTEED SUCCESS in this program is ....... (1:35)
StartYour tool to discover and conquer your diabetes
StartWelcome back (5:06)
StartWhat did you learn in Session 1?
StartSession #1 Questions Explained (3:10)
StartTopics for your session 2 (1:20)
StartDoes healthy food not raise blood sugar? (2:49)
StartHow does Fiber, Protein and Fat help my blood sugar? (4:11)
StartLet's practice identifying foods. (4:06)
StartShould I look for "sugar" on the food label? (6:40)
StartCarb Counting, Plate Method, Hands Method, Which is right for me? (4:46)
StartWatch out for these meals that will increase blood sugar 4-5 hour later. (1:48)
StartDrinking my carbs. Surprising facts? (2:42)
StartAlcohol and Diabetes. Not what I was expecting (2:02)
StartGoing off my diet means I'm a weak person? Right? (1:26)
StartI have to get down to your normal weight to control your diabetes?'s why (1:56)
StartDo I have to exercise to make a difference for my diabetes? (3:33)
StartHow about some discovery homework! (1:32)
StartYour tool to discover and conquer your diabetes
StartWelcome Back (1:38)
StartWhat did you learn in Session 2?
StartSession #2 Questions Explanation (2:35)
StartTopics for your session 3 (0:53)
StartHaving low blood sugar is part of living with diabetes? Right? (8:30)
StartWatch this video of our CEO having a low blood sugar event and what you should know if it happens to you (7:58)
StartWhat you should know about High blood sugar "Hypoglycemia"? (5:52)
StartIs Diabetes the #1 cause of blindness, kidney failure and amputation? Surprising answer! (2:22)
StartThe ABC's of good health you need to know. (3:51)
StartWhat you should know about Smoking and diabetes. (1:14)
StartIf my vision is ok my eyes must be fine? The sure fire way to make sure your eyes stay healthy (2:38)
StartIf my kidneys were in trouble I would know it? Lets talk about your kidneys (1:27)
StartSensitive Topic but important: Everyone with Diabetes has sexual problems eventually, right? (1:23)
StartIf anything were wrong with my foot, it would hurt? What you need to know to keep your feet healthy (3:34)
StartDoes taking more pills mean that your diabetes is getting worst? (1:47)
StartIsn't "bad" diabetes the kind that uses insulin? (2:20)
StartSupercharge your health goals and make them reality using this method. (3:10)
StartWho's the Expert? (1:38)
StartYour tool to discover and conquer your diabetes for life